If you want to learn something about headsets for freestyle scooters, you must first of all be willing to do a now almost forgotten activity - reading.
The headset allows you to spin the handlebars and fork.
The handlebars and fork are connected, they spin simultaneously.
The handlebars and fork can be rotated 360⁰.
Compared to bicycles (touring, mountain, road) or conventional scooters, the headset bearings on freestyle scooters are subject to bigger stress.
A decisive factor for the above, is that spinning the handlebars 360⁰ is a popular and common trick (e.g. barspin, tailwhip).
The headsets for freestyle scooters are dimensionally the same as the headsets for BMX bikes (1 1/8").
a) Threaded headsets
These are the basic headsets used on cheap scooters with threaded forks and standard headtubes.
Threaded headsets are mostly made of steel and use ball bearings.
Their performance is not closely as smooth, seamless or quiet as the performance of threadless headsets.
b) Threadless standard headsets
Threadless standard headsets are the same as threaded headsets, but have a particular top cap that allows for the use of a threadless fork. These headsets are not very common.
Threadless standard headsets are used in combination with threadless forks and standard deck headtubes.
c) Threadless integrated headsets
This is the most widely used type of headset.
Threadless integrated headsets are essentially a subset of threadless standard headsets i.e. they use only some of its parts. In other words, you can make an integrated headset out of a standard headset, but you can't do it the other way around.
Threadless integrated headsets use industrial bearings, usually fully sealed. The caps are made of aluminium. Threadless integrated headsets have a very smooth, silent performance even with the compression system at maximum tension.
Threadless integrated headsets are used in conjunction with threadless forks and integrated headtubes.
1) The headset must always be firmly tightened.
2) Avoid situations that may cause water to enter the headset (do not ride in wet conditions)
3) Keep the headset free of dirt. The headset is a mechanical thing and you need to clean it occasionally. The headset needs MAINTENANCE!!!
4) The bottom of the compression system must be perfectly level. In the case of HIC and IHC compression systems, the bottom end of the shim must be perfectly straight. In the case of an SCS compression system, the bottom of the SCS itself must be perfectly level. And finally, in the case of the ICS compression system, the bottom end of the handlebar tube must be perfectly straight.
This implies, among other things, another important thing: If you want to size the handlebars down, you have to do this job very precisely. The uneven surface of the compression system destroys the headset bearings.
5) Do not lend your scooter to friends. They may weigh 30 kg more and have a completely different riding style.
1) You need to know if you have a deck with an integrated or standard headtube
2) You need to know if you have a threaded or threadless fork
3) Different brands of decks and different brands of headsets are mutually compatible.
4) The type of handlebar you use has no influence on your choice of headset. Only the deck, fork and compression system affect the choice of headset.